Placă de piatră de cuarț negru roz
brand. KING DAYS
produsele de origine CHINA
timpul de livrare 15 ZILE
capacitatea de aprovizionare 50000mp/luna
Scurta descriere:
Piatra de cuarț este un material verde de protecție a mediului de înaltă calitate, moale și elegant
culoare si pret mic. Este cea mai bună alegere pentru clădirile verzi. Este folosit pentru bucatarie
blaturi, blaturi de baie, glafuri, blaturi de bar, pereti interiori si exteriori,
podele, etc. Este potrivit pentru apartamente, clădiri de birouri, centre comerciale, hoteluri etc.
Cerințe extinse în diferite domenii.
Cantitate minimă de comandă: 100 de metri/metru pătrat
Capacitate de aprovizionare: 50000 de metri/metri pătrați pe an
blaturi populare din cuarț
țiglă de cuarț albastru
gresie cuart gri 300x300
gresie de cuart alb 600x300
țiglă de cuarț proiectată
gresie din piatra de cuart
pret tigla de cuart
gresie baie cuart alba
porțelan de cuarț
gresie bucatarie quartz
gresie cuarț gri
How to buy quartz stone for decoration building materials, there are 7 ways to distinguish between good and bad!
During the long renovation period, there will be many big and small problems that need our attention. The countertop is a material that is often used in decoration, and most people will choose the countertop of quartz stone. But how to distinguish the authenticity of quartz stone countertopsis also a headache. After all, if you accidentally buy fakes, you will have many hidden dangers in later use. I have compiled 7 ways to distinguish between good and bad, and I hope it will help you!
quartz stone is a material that we love because it is very convenient to clean. If we buy a style that is of poor quality and compensates for a relatively low style, stains will penetrate into it and increase the difficulty of cleaning. It will also affect the beauty of the home.
Details please check www.kinglydaygroup.com
605x463x175mm 755x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,605x463x175mm 805x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,605x463x175mm 905x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,705x463x175mm 605x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,705x463x175mm 755x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,705x463x175mm 805x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,705x463x175mm 905x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,755x463x175mm 605x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,755x463x175mm 705x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,755x463x175mm 805x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,755x463x175mm 905x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,805x463x175mm 605x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,805x463x175mm 705x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,805x463x175mm 755x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,805x463x175mm 905x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,905x463x175mm 605x463x175mm Cabinet Basin,